The technical assistance “Emission Trading System (ETS) Piloting and Simulation in Vietnam” is part of the Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership’s (ETP) interventions aiming to develop the carbon market in Viet Nam in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE). The main objective of the technical assistance is to develop and organize training courses on ETS and the carbon market, using the ETS simulation tool tailored to the Vietnam context for various stakeholders including policymakers, research institutes, universities, financial institutions, media representatives, and especially big emitters that will be covered under Vietnam’s ETS in the future.
The work required under this Assignment includes 10 specific tasks:
- Task 1: Conducting an Inception report
- Task 2: Organizing an Inception workshop
- Task 3: Conducting an analysis, surveys, and consultation events on readiness and awareness of enterprises and facilities on GHG emission/mitigation and carbon market.
- Task 4: Developing a detailed stakeholder mapping and engagement plan to approach and engage the targeted groups.
- Task 5: Providing access to a carbon simulation tool suitable for use for this Assignment that is tailor-made for Viet Nam in terms of language, currency, years, duration, offset, price collar, banking, and shocks.
- Task 6: Providing a web-based carbon simulation platform.
- Task 7: Organizing a series of ETS simulation trainings/workshops/forums.
- Task 8: Planning a study tour on ETS governance and experience sharing.
- Task 9: Conducting a technical report summarizing the results of the simulation and impact assessment.
- Task 10: Final report and final workshops.
To support the training activities and improve ETS and carbon market literacy among Vietnamese stakeholders, this website is developed to be used as a learning platform where stakeholders can learn about the ETS and carbon market and update the latest market news and events. In addition, concrete policy recommendations for designing an ETS in Viet Nam will be developed based on the analysis of the lessons learned from the training sessions and the impacts of the ETS operation on energy transition. The Assignment will directly support the introduction of a domestic ETS as a carbon pricing instrument by 2027.
As per the Contract signed between UNOPS and the Consultant, the Assignment is scheduled to take place over 18 months, starting from July 2023 and concluding in January 2025.
The implementation of the Assignment will be carried out by a consortium consisting of Energy and Environment Consultancy Joint Stock Company (VNEEC), South Pole Carbon Asset Management (South Pole), Viet Nam Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company (VETS), and international experts subcontracted by VNEEC. Within the consortium, VNEEC will take the overall coordination and management of the Assignment. The Consultant/Consortium combines a strong national qualification and experience with international experience and lessons to deliver the Assignment to the highest quality.
The primary beneficiaries of this Assignment include MONRE as a whole, with a specific focus on DCC, as well as the line ministries and agencies responsible for the design and operation of the future ETS in Viet Nam. Additionally, the main beneficiaries encompass GHG emitters who are required to participate in the future ETS.